An Update on the Mentor Website

Upgrades people upgrades!

Posted by Flora Zhang on August 23, 2022 · 1 min read

I have finally had some time to make some edits. One day I'll redo this website, although not today.

mentor resource website homepage

This is what the homepage now looks like. I want to make it longer so you can scroll more. I also need to figure out how the navigation bar works on mobile so I can maybe update that too.

contact me form

I spent a good amount of time trying to update a contact form onto this website, but I ended up just using formspree again.

There's nothing wrong with formpree. I just wanted to use something that was coded on my own. BUT Github Pages does not do that and I am using that as the way I upload these websites.

Anyways I'll be trying to update this website as much as I can with what I'm learning.

OOOOOH another update is that I have start my LeetCode journey, obviously (if you follow my Instagram). It's been hard but I am definitely learning. I won't say I've gotten the hang of it or anything, but it is nice to be able to see my progress.