
I am gonna make a running list of the resources I am using and update as I go

Posted by Flora Zhang on July 26, 2022 · 2 mins read

As of August 9th, 2022

The Odin Project

I haven't had the most time/motivation to keep going. But now that my class is over, I have a few days to work on this. I finished the first "project" today.

Here it is in all of its glory lol

As of July 26th, 2022

The Odin Project

With my minimal experience in HTML and CSS, I will be attempting to finish the Odin Project this summer. We shall see how it goes, and I will be updating here if anyone wants to check!

So uh here's the update: It is September 3rd, 2022, I hit the Javascript lessions. I made it through a little bit of it, but I got a little distracted. I might go bad, I might not, but I promise I am still learning!


I specifically did the free Intro to HTML and CSS class. The UI is very nice and it was a nice intro to the languages, but it is very much just an introduction. This is definity for the first glance


I technically only did the first 4 weeks because I was lazy and life happened. I did the original version in C, but I think if I were to start again I would do the Python version because that is what most of my classes will be in. I think it is very helpful at understanding the "why" for many of the elements of computer science. Again, I did not finish it so maybe there is a lot more knowledge I am missing out on.

A 100 Days of Code Course on Udemy

I am too lazy to look up the class as I was suggested to not finish that course and instead start CS50. I think it was fun and there were challenges that were difficult. But I think it's probably more important to start with the fundamentals in a more formal setting

The background pic for this is probably a placeholder for now. I can't think of what to put.